
The vulnerable real estate of San Diego



San Diego real estate along with all of California is fraught with property hazards of the natural and manmade kind. Typical of West coast American weather, first comes the drought then the torrential rains that can cause landslides. Home owners need to know the vulnerabilities in buying a house before they commit to a purchase in a landslide area.


The irony in buying luxury real estate in areas like La Jolla compounds the home price with the cost of home insurance and damage repairs. To face property damage with a landslide means owners need real estate data and information when researching a property. Below is a news story of a recent landslide in the San Diego community La Jolla.



La Jolla landslides

Land slides often evoke imagery of Mother Nature run amuck, causing massive amounts of destruction and displacing people from their beloved homes. However, sometimes a land slide can be a simple matter of human error or neglect and can cause just enough damage to make a home a hard sell.

Recently in La Jolla, a 911 call went out. The San Diego police department arrived in the neighborhood and found a land slide of about 25 by 25 yards. They evacuated a few homes and then found the source: A leak in a small, private underground water pipe. Fortunately no homes were damaged this time. However, another slide in October caused nearly $50 million dollars in damage and did destroy some San Diego homes.


Property I.D. Corporation the real estate information company


Property I.D. Corporation works with San Diego real estate industry professionals and home buyers providing the best disclosure resource for finding all the property information you need to know. We help save you costs by providing the complete California real estate information needed in securing a safe home purchase.

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