Developers on Shaky Ground With New Fault Maps

New Fault and Seismic Hazard Zone Maps May Impact Developers

In January 2018 the California Geological Survey (CGS) released new fault and seismic hazard zone maps. The maps affect areas in both northern and southern California. The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972 limits construction on active fault lines. Developers looking to build near fault zones will likely face restrictions.

The August 2014 South Napa earthquake provided the CGS with information to map faults in the area in greater detail. Many faults in the area were not known to be active before the 2014 quake. Numerous faults were added to the new maps.

Know the fault facts and secure your developing plan

In Los Angeles, the Santa Monica Fault Zone now extends further northwest through Beverly Hills. The fault zone runs through parts of West L.A., Century City, and Westwood before branching off into Brentwood, Santa Monica, and Pacific Palisades.

In addition, the CGS released several seismic hazard maps as part of the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act. Seismic hazards include liquefaction and earthquake-induced landslide. Cities affected include Antioch, Belmont, Brentwood, Burlingame, Foster City, Hillsborough, Menlo Park, Murrieta, Oakley, Redwood City, San Carlos, San Mateo, and Temecula.

Be Protected

All NHD reports are different; some companies have been using the same info and don’t update their maps regularly. Property I.D. has included these new maps since their release, all Property I.D.’s Natural Hazard Disclosure Reports come with E&O insurance, which protects seller, sellers agent, buyer, and buyer’s agent.






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