
I love your web site! Of all of the web sites I deal with for ordering things on-line, yours is almost without exception the easiest and quickest to use. Having the auto-fill function on the address and having the contact boxes for our escrow officers are both great features.

Lloyd Leighton (Owner)
Lloyd Leighton Realtors

Our inspection of Property ID's headquarters demonstrated their commitment to the development of technology and allocation of resources to ensure that all legally required hazard disclosures are addressed in its reports, making its clients safe from costly nondisclosure lawsuits.

Los Angeles Daily News

In anticipation of our growing demands as a full service real estate provider, Property ID has the product line, the vision and the resources to support our goals for the future.

Ed Krafchow (President)
Prudential California Realty/Northern California

Property ID is the only professional hazard disclosure provider that guarantees and insures satisfaction of all of the sellers mapped natural hazard disclosure requirements.

Mark Stavros (Esq.)
Manning & Marder

Property ID's long standing presence as the founder and leader of the Real Property Disclosure Industry is shown in their ability to understand and deliver what the Real Estate Industry requires. After eight years of being one of the first Real Estate companies to use Property I.D., I can attest to the fact that they are still the only choice in disclosure compliance today.

Fred Sands (President & CEO)
Fred Sands Realtors

Property ID adds tremendous value to the RE/MAX network by creating a seamless disclosure process from listing to closing.

Richard C. Purvis (Regional Director)
RE/MAX of California & Hawaii, Inc.

Based on our independent research of the hazard disclosure industry, conducted on behalf of our real estate brokerage clients, Property ID is the only disclosure report provider we can recommend to our clients.

Steven Spierer (Esq.)
Spierer, Woodward, Corbalis & Goldberg

Property ID's superior disclosure products protect our clients, agents and brokerage by providing the most accurate and complete reports in the industry. Recommending any other disclosure provider would not be in the best interests of any party to the real estate transaction.

Warren O'Blennis (Regional Director)
Realty Executives of Northern California